Rincon Rotary Club Vision
To Be Tucson’s Premiere Community-Oriented Service Organization,
while offering its members a fun and rewarding experience.
GOALS for 2024 to 2025
Broad Goals for the Five Avenues of Service:
1. Club Service: We have a strong and vibrant Club, and we will continue to build upon it by fostering an environment where each member feels valued, engaged, and motivated to contribute. Let’s make our meetings not only productive but also enjoyable and filled with fellowship.
2. Vocational Service: We strive to uphold high ethical standards in our vocations and encourage others in their professional journeys. Let’s continue to provide mentorship and support to each other, enhancing our professional and personal growth.
3. Community Service: Our community relies on us, and we will respond with impactful projects that address local needs. Together, we will identify opportunities to make a tangible difference, whether through service projects, partnerships, or community events.
4. International Service: Rotary’s global reach is one of its greatest strengths. We will continue to support international initiatives that promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, and improve education. Specifically, let’s set a goal to more than double our financial contribution to end polio to $1500.
5. Youth Service: Investing in our youth is investing in our future. We will support programs that empower young people, help them develop leadership skills, and encourage them to serve their communities. Let’s continue to support the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA), and other scholarships. Also, let’s look into supporting exchange students, and consider starting or assisting an INTERACT Club.
Building a Vibrant Club: We are part of a vibrant and dynamic Club, and each one of us plays a crucial role in its success. Let’s celebrate our achievements, support each other’s ideas, and work together to make our Club a place where every member feels they are making a difference.
Having Fun: Finally, let’s not forget to have fun along the way. Rotary is not only about service but also about building lifelong friendships and enjoying the journey together. Let’s infuse our activities with joy and camaraderie, making our time together memorable and fulfilling.
Specific Goals
1. At least 40 of our members participate in one or more service projects.
2. Hold at least 10 social events outside of regular meetings.
3. At least one Club member participates in a Rotary Action Group during the year.
4. At least one Club member participates in a leadership development program or activity during the year.
5. At least two Club members participate in the District 5500 conference this year.
6. The Club makes use of official Rotary promotional materials to promote Rotary. 7. At least one Club member participates in a District training event this year.
8. Club members contribute at least $4300 to TRF Annual Fund or PHF this year.
9. Club completes no fewer than 25 service projects this year, with each LOCAL fulfillment counting as one.
10. The Club and its members contribute at least $1500 to TRF Polio Plus this year.
11. Club completes the year with 43 active members.
12. At least 5 Club members sponsor a new member this year.
13. The Club is featured in at least 5 media stories about Club projects.
14. The Club sponsors at least 3 individuals for RYLA participation.
15. The Club’s branding (including promotional materials, social media, and websites) uses correct Rotary artwork and portrays members as People of Action.
16. The Club’s social media accounts and websites are updated at least monthly.
17. The Club completes at least one service project in partnership with another Rotary Club.
18. The Club considers sponsorship of either a new Interact Club or partners to assist in sponsoring an existing Interact Club.
19. The Club encourages members to suggest service projects of interest to them, and at least one service project suggested by a member of the Club is completed this year.
20. The Club uses District matching funds to complete at least one of its service projects.
21. Club members raise $50,000 through Taste of Chocolate for the Rincon Rotary Foundation.